The Biggest Challenges That Photographers Face Today

Written by
Peter Byram

Many photographers believe that the introduction of smartphones into the market in addition to the low barrier of entry present in the photography industry is the root cause of so much if not all the difficulty that photographers face in building and growing their business. Many photographers feel like this reality has “cheapened” the profession or that it “undervalues” the great work that true seasoned photographers do. While smartphones and cheaper dslr cameras have made it easier for people to get started or do work for a much cheaper cost than many professionals, this is not the obstacle that stands in the way of success that many photographers believe it is.

When I speak with photographers I am always surprised by how few of them have a clearly defined business strategy. As a digital agency owner and consultant I see a lot of very talented people who simply just don’t have an approach in their business that works- or worse, even have one at all. The unfortunate truth is that there is so much noise in the market today surrounding photography when in reality the principles of business haven’t changed for a long time.  

The true challenge that photographers face is having a proven system for getting new reliable clients who value their work and pay well for it. There will always be new people coming in to any industry and there will always be exceptional people who rise to the top. This is an unchanging fact across every business. Sadly, the photographers who believe that they can’t make a dent in the industry and build a profitable business are the ones who have no real strategy and system for getting new customers. They mistake correlation for causation in regards to their lack of growth. It is true that there are many more people taking photographs today then in the 1970’s or even the early 2,000s, but this is not the reason for their difficulty. Again, the true obstacle is their lack of a systematic approach for getting new clients as well as an overall growth strategy.  

I wanted to write this post today because I see this perceived problem appear again and again with photographers. The really good news for photographers however, is that if you are one of the few who understands just how critical your strategy and systems for generating new clients are you will be miles beyond the pack. The fact that so few understand this is the ultimate opportunity for you and your business. This is exactly what I do. I help photographers build and grow their business by helping them to get reliable high paying clients predictably. If you are interested in learning more, I offer a free 45 minute strategy session where we get crystal clear on your current situation in your business, define exactly where you want to go and then devise a plan for precisely how we can get you there in the quickest amount of time possible.  

Thanks so much for reading and I’ll talk to you guys soon,


Peter Byram

Peter Byram helps photographers grow successful businesses by helping them get high paying clients consistently and predictably. He is an expert at helping photographers get clients and making things super simple to understand. If you're interested in taking your business to the next level then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.